Enlightened Oilers

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Three Pillars

There are Three Pillars that hold this Young Living Business together, that drive it forward, and that continually make your business grow. Without these, you will not grow. Learn them. Embrace them. Live and breathe them. DO them.

Pillar 1 - sharing with new people

For your business to grow, you need to consistently share with new people.  At some point you will feel like you have run out of people to share with, unless you continually look to expand your sphere of influence.  What does this mean, you ask? It means you have to continue to meet new people and earn a right to have a voice, or influence, in their life.  How do you do this? Think about (or write out a list) of the things you enjoy doing, the things or topics that excite you, the things you want to learn more about or learn how to do. Things that genuinely interest you. 

If any of these things fit into living a more natural lifestyle, start there.  Join Facebook groups centered on these interests. Go to classes or events in your community.  Continue to live out loud using oils and products on yourself without blatantly pointing it out to others; just allow them to see that it’s part of your life. On Facebook this might be as simple as an oil or product in the background of a photo you posted.  In person, this may be as simple as applying oils at a yoga class or spraying Thieves spray on the shopping cart handle at the grocery store. Spend time cultivating relationships in these new places and getting to know people. Don’t jump straight into trying to get people into oils…this does not work!  This is not authentic. Get to know people, find connections, build relationships and trust. EARN a right to have a voice in their lives.

The way to successfully develop influence is to build relationships.  Relationship is actually key in all three of the pillars and will bring us full circle through each pillar and then back again to the first pillar.  The way we build relationships is by asking open-ended questions (NOT yes or no response questions) so that we get to know who we’re talking to. This allows us to get to know them personally and see how they might need Young Living and this natural lifestyle, which enables you to bridge the gap between their needs and what you and Young Living have to offer them.  This is when conversations will naturally move into sharing Young Living oils and products and you can get the oils and products that will help fill their needs into their hands. This is how you share with new people, show them the value of the Premium Starter kit, and empower them to take their wellness into their own hands.

Pillar 2 - help bring members into the lifestyle

It is absolutely essential that we work with our existing members, creating relationships through open-ended questions so we can learn what their needs are and then match products, oils, and lifestyle components (like a water filter which doesn’t have anything to do with Young Living but everything to do with the natural lifestyle) to their needs. We do this to support the members who said yes to Young Living.  They purchased a starter kit for a reason. We need to know why so we can empower them to fulfill their needs.  

Pillar 2 focuses on bringing people along in this natural lifestyle to build value in what we offer and what the products Young living has to offer.  When we help people to find value in the oils and products through relationship building and education, they then want to actually buy oils, supplements, and products to fill their needs.  Members don’t always know their needs, especially new members because they don’t know what Young Living can do for them. We need to ask questions and dig into their needs. Once we have shown value in the product and lifestyle in the way the other person values it, then that person wants to purchase oils and products that will help them.  This leads to them enrolling in Essential Rewards to save money. And, this is actually where your residual income comes in.

If we never get them to see the need in their own life for the oils and products in and of themselves, then we are stuck at pillar one continuously having to enroll new people.  This is not residual income. It’s like going to work from 9-5 and then getting paid for having done the work for that time. If we just keep chasing kit sales and having members fall off, then we never truly support our members, and we never get to the true residual income. Dangling an incentive to get them on Essential Rewards without getting them to understand the value in the lifestyle does not help our members, and it does not help our business in the long run.  

This pillar is mostly successfully approached through relationship so we can really understand what’s in it for THEM, not what’s in it for us.  What’s in it for them is having a healthy life and feeling better. What that means to each person will vary; this is why relationship building is essential.  You can see relationship is key to get people to open up and share with you what’s important to them. Relationship is how we earn a voice in someone’s life. Once we’ve earned a voice in someone’s life, that’s called influence.  Influence is what gets people to pay attention and listen. We need to care about people first and foremost and the best way to do that is to get to know them and empower them to meet their own needs.

Pillar 3 - Walk people into sharing

Listen for excitement and oil/product wins while you are in Pillar 2 with individual members.  In your relationship building, asking open-ended questions, and helping people find value in Young Living products and living a natural lifestyle, we are listening for excitement and/or little signs that the person may be ready to tell someone else about the win they just experienced.   When we can see a little crack of light shine through as the door opens, lean in and ask them who else they have shared this win with. It may sound something like, “Hey I’m curious, have you shared any of this with anyone? Which friends do you know that maybe could benefit from this? I’m wondering if you’ve told anyone.”

Pillar 3 is really just continuously working in Pillar 2 so that we see the door crack open for the opportunities to help casually walk people into sharing or to make it easy for them to share.  This is not approaching people about the business. It’s simply leaning in and asking people if they’re being a closet oiler or sharing with their friends. It may also mean supplying them with some tools in a casual and friendly way to help them start sharing.  This may sound something like, “I’m curious, if I sent you some of brochures that go over the premium starter kit and everything that comes in it with a few sample drams, would that make it easier for you to share Young Living and your oils with your friends? I’d be happy to share some of these with you.”  That’s it. Simple. Easy. Breezy. No pressure. No talk about owning a business. We are looking for people who have never shared and helping them just share with a couple people. What would our business look like if everyone just shared with a few people?

A note for business builders:

Pillar 3 is not about working with existing builders. That is not part of the Three pillars. It is something we want and need to do, but that’s separate from the Three Pillars.  Working with builders is really just introducing them to the Three Pillars so they are doing the same thing! When someone acknowledges that they want to do Young Living as a business, they move out of Pillar 3 and become a business builder.  This is when you work with them to teach them what the Three Pillars are and help them work in these Three Pillars consistently. While working with builders is not a pillar in and of itself, it circles right back to the Three Pillars, and that, my friends, is duplication!  

As a business builder, follow the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of your working time should be spent working in the Three Pillars.  Twenty percent of your working time should be spent coaching your business builders on how to work in the Three Pillars themselves.  It’s very easy to get into managerial mode once you begin to develop business builders in your downline. Granted there are managerial tasks that need to be done to ensure you are supporting your members and builders, but these tasks are a very small percentage of this business.  Be careful that you don’t allow them to take over and pull you out of the most important aspect of this business, cultivating relationships and helping to empower people. Your business only moves forward when you DO the work in the Three Pillars yourself. Do not rely on others to build your business for you.

The Three Pillars takes the pressure off of the idea of having a “business” that you have to manage and run.  This business does not have to be complicated. As long as you consistently work in the Three Pillars yourself, your business will grow.   If you teach your business builders to do the same, and they DO the Three Pillars, their business will grow, too. Together your businesses will grow exponentially.