Enlightened Oilers

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EndoFlex is a beautiful blend that may help provide overall balance and support to the endocrine system and may work to improve the vitality of the body. It may support the pineal and pituitary glands, parathyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands. It may also help alleviate hot flashes and stimulate weight loss by improving metabolic and hormonal balance.

EndoFlex Overview

Ingredients in Endoflex / Endoflex Vitality:

  • SESAME SEED OIL is used as a carrier oil and is reputed to penetrate the skin easily. It is an antioxidant rich in vitamin E.

  • SPEARMINT is used to increase metabolism to burn up fats and toxins in the body. With its hormone-like activity, it supports the nervous and glandular systems. Spearmint is antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and also highly invigorating and stimulating.

  • SAGE strengthens the vital energy centers of the body. The Lakota Indians used sage for purifying, healing, and dispelling negative emotions. It may help improve estrogen and progesterone-testosterone balance. It is believed to contain elements that contribute to the secretion of progesterone-testosterone

  • GERANIUM assists in balancing hormones, liver and kidney functions, and the discharge of toxins from the liver that keep us from having balance. Geranium opens the liver chakra.

  • MYRTLE may help normalize hormonal imbalances of the thyroid and ovaries. For hypo-thyroid, it may increase activity and improve balance

  • GERMAN CHAMOMILE is highly anti-inflammatory and liver-protecting. It has been found to open the liver, increase liver function and secretion, an support he pancreas.

  • NUTMEG supports the adrenal glands for increased energy. It is powerfully stimulating and energizing.


  • Diffuse, directly inhale, or add 2-4 drops to Epsom salt and bath water.

  • Apply over lower back, thyroid, kidneys, liver, feet, glandular areas, and foot VitaFlex points for these organs.

  • For use as a dietary supplement, put a few drops with an edible carrier oil into a capsule and swallow with water.

  • Add a drop or two to 2-4 ounces of Ningxia Red.

Suggested Dilution Ratio:  

  • 50-50: Dilute one part essential oil to one part carrier oil for topical or internal use.

Body Systems Affected:

  • Digestive / Elimination

  • Glandular / Hormonal


  • Refer to a trusted reference guide for specific information on proper usage information specific to your concerns.  Use proper judgement and seek the advice of your health care provider. Essential Oil usage for serious issues is not a substitute for professional care, but rather another way to support your body and help bring it back to balance.

  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.