Enlightened Oilers

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Sacred Mountain

Sacred Mountain is a wonderful blend of Ylang Ylang and conifer oils that instills strength, empowerment, grounding, and protection with the spiritual feeling of being in a sacred environment. This blend may help you to find security and sacredness within yourself. This is an oil many turn to help them deal with feelings of nervousness or anxiousness. Bonus, this oil blend is antibacterial and very soothing to the respiratory system.

My absolute favorite use for Sacred Mountain is to diffuse it at night with Cedarwood for an incredibly restful night's sleep. Now, personally I am not a big fan of Lavender, but those who are swear by Sacred Mountain and Lavender for an amazing sleep that lasts through the night. I even know a few people who combine Sacred Mountain with both Cedarwood and Lavender. Experiment and see what you like best!

Sacred Mountain Overview

Ingredients in Sacred Mountain:

  • BLACK SPRUCE opens and releases emotional blocks, fostering a sense of balance and grounding.

  • YLANG YLANG increases relaxation and balances male and female energies to help you spiritually focus your thoughts and filter out all the noise that distracts you during mediation and/or prayer. It also restores confidence and equilibrium helping to bring back feelings of self-love, joy, and peace

  • IDAHO BALSAM FIR / GRAND FIR creates a feeling of grounding, anchoring, and empowerment.

  • CEDARWOOD is high in sesquiterpenes, which stimulate the limbic part of the brain, the center of emotions and memory. It stimulates the pineal gland, which releases melatonin, thereby improving thoughts, cognition, and memory. Cedarwood is very stabilizing and grounding.


  • Diffuse.

  • Apply to the solar plexus, brain stem, crown of head, back of neck, behind ears, thymus, wrists and/or vita flex points on the soles of feet.

  • Can also be worn as a perfume or cologne.

Suggested Dilution Ratio:

  • 50-50: Dilute one part essential oil to one part carrier oil for topical or internal use.

Body Systems Affected:

  • Emotional Balance

  • Respiratory System


  • This oil may be photosensitive, avoid applying to skin exposed to direct sunlight.

Emotional Challenge SUPPORT:

Sacred Mountain is found in the LSP Essential Oils Reference Guide to help support the body when dealing with the following: Anger, Daydreaming, Depression, Discouragement, Frustration, Jealousy, Obsessiveness, Restlessness


  • Refer to a trusted reference guide for specific information on proper usage information specific to your concerns.  Use proper judgement and seek the advice of your health care provider. Essential Oil usage for serious issues is not a substitute for professional care, but rather another way to support your body and help bring it back to balance.

  • Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes ONLY, and to motivate and empower you to make your own wellness journey based on your own research and partnership with your healthcare provider.

  • The statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.