Enlightened Oilers

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Oil Vibe's New Year Sharing Giveaway

Get ready for…


This month is all about helping people learn about how Young Living CHANGES LIVES!!! We share because we KNOW what these products can do. We share because we want others to live full, abundant, healthy lives!

This month Jodie Meschuck, our Royal Crown Diamond, is gifting 2 Aria Diffusers to 2 lucky team members…



… and enter-to-win an Aria diffuser!



  1. You must be a member of the Oil Vibe team - you are because Enlightened Oilers is a team within the Oil Vibe team.

  2. Help someone new to Young Living get started with a 100+ pv order between 01/01 and 10pm MST on 01/31. (Heads-up… you can submit 1 entry for each person you enroll!)

  3. You must complete and submit this Google Form by 12pm MST on February 1st (link in the comments, as well): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiBJws9e4o9mtoAxAcA2ZPqgr4Pf6fRNFgVX2Tsf3S5H1HzQ/viewform?usp=sharing

At the beginning of February, two random winners will be drawn from all qualifiers. Any International winner will receive a product credit of equal value.


This is a WONDERFUL opportunity to grow your business!!! This month, focus on 3 areas for growth…

1) Promoting the NingXia Reset (https://www.facebook.com/groups/304714928339510/permalink/1017774720366857)

2) Gathering people in your home

3) Going TO people on your team and helping THEM host a gathering

At some point someone helped YOU get started with these products and look what they've done for you! Who can YOU help this month?"

Here is a fantastic SHORT and SIMPLE sharing "guide" for you... https://online.fliphtml5.com/tvaw/nmqx/#p=1

Annnnnd... If you’re ready to rock your business in 2025… here is a BRAND NEW Brand Partner Playbook: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KOKTUn7v080MMfcP1cLuuci1Mqe3Y60_/view


From Jodie Meschuk:
”I know it was LIFE-CHANGING when someone helped me get started! I look back to where my family was then to where it is now... WOWZERS! We have the opportunity to help others experience what we experience with these products. And with inflation + high grocery bills + increased housing costs, etc. you can also help YOUR family with the extra income!

There is simply no better time than NOW... to help others with their health goals AND to bless your family in the process.

Literally all that it takes is sharing with one. person. at. a. time.

The total easy button way to help someone get started is with one of the MAKE A SHIFT kits. These easy-to-use, reasonably priced kits come packed with a unique selection of the most popular products for replacing harsh chemicals + freshening the home + supporting daily wellness routines. Look at the kit options here: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/category/kits-collections

You can also make a WISHLIST for someone, especially if you know which products could benefit them. If you've never made a wishlist before, it is super easy and the perfect way to share your favorite products! Find out how right here: https://jodiemeschuk.lifestepseo.com/resources/new-wishlist-feature

Soooo….. Share share away this month! Share the products you love with those around you. You got this. And we got you.”