Jamie Moya


Hi!  I’m Jamie

…a mom to four incredible kids, step-mom to a wonderful adult son, and wife to the most incredibly loving and supportive husband, Marc. I spend most of my days loving on my family and spoiling my essential oil family! Now, a little backstory on me and how I came to this essential oil life…

I began my elementary school teaching career in 2001, and I loved every minute of it. I was happily married to my late husband, a California Highway Patrol Officer and we had two of those incredible kids I just told you about.  On June 11, 2010, however, my whole world flipped upside down when Tom was killed in the line of duty. I looked into the faces of my then 2-year-old and my 8-month-old and knew I could not go back to work. It was then that I retired from teaching and committed myself to be available to my kids at any given moment.  It wasn't easy to give up teaching, especially because I am an educator at heart.

So many challenges lay ahead of me suddenly walking this path alone, ones that would take a serious toll on my health - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I was exhausted, my weight was out of control, my body hurt all the time, and I was emotionally devasted. I saw doctor after doctor, but nothing changed other than the increasing number of prescription medications added to my medicine cabinet. A couple of years later, I decided I had had enough and turned to alternative healers, therapies, nutrition, and essential oils.  I became empowered, took control of my health and wellness including my weight, and my life turned around for the better. In fact, I’ve never felt better!

Through my experience with grief and the effect it has on the body and mind, I have been blessed to land on a path focused on natural means to keep my family's physical and emotional health above the wellness line. A key component to our wellness has been incorporating Young Living essential oils into all aspects of our lives every day. They have helped us overcome so many physical trials and have helped us tremendously in overcoming emotional obstacles.    

Knowing and experiencing the powerful, life-changing effects of Young Living essential oils, led me to create The Enlightened Oilers!  It is my passion to share to help others rise up and take control of their own wellness.

Elise Barnes