Enlightened Oilers

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January 2025 Gifts with Purchase

Young Living’s monthly gift with purchase allows you to earn rewards just for shopping your favorite essential oils and oil-infused products. Purchase YL products with a point value (PV)—these products help you qualify for this month’s gifts. The more you shop, the more you earn!


It’s easy: You purchase products and Young Living sends you free ones! Each month you’ll have new oils, swag, and/or other essential oil goodies to choose from, starting with free shipping at the 100 PV tier. Every time you increase your PV (up to 300 PV) and qualify for a new tier, they’ll send you free gifts.


Place a 50 PV+ order each month with our Loyalty Rewards program. On each purchase, you’ll earn reward points that you can redeem for future products. Loyalty Rewards members also receive a free loyalty gift as a thank you each time they reach a benchmark anniversary of enrollment at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. To learn more about Loyalty Rewards, click here.


100PV Loyalty Rewards Exclusive

The essential oils in Deep Relief work so well when it comes to relieving tension and discomfort in the body. But, they work differently than conventional over the counter muscle rubs. Conventional products contain counter-irritants that simply make the skin tingle so the brain forgets the underlying pain. Essential oils work differently. They can penetrate through the skin, into the cells of the muscles and tendons to support the body through pain and healing. This is a huge win!

  • Calming and soothing for fatigued muscles after physical activity

  • Provides a cooling sensation when applied to shoulders, neck, and head

  • Has a refreshing and stimulating aroma that soothes stress and tension

  • Helps release tension in the neck and shoulders


It is amazing for physical relief, muscle soreness, and a cooling massage after a workout, but get ready - this blend also helps us to release… Exhaustion. Sign me up for a vat!!! We all know that pain is exhausting, and emotional pain can be crippling when it is pushed down for a long time without being addressed. Our connective tissue and muscles are directly affected by this type of repressed stress.

When you use essential oils, you are not simply addressing a surface issue of “something hurts”. Essential oils interact with our brain and our nervous system. As we intentionally work on managing stress, we begin to CHANGE the instructions and signals our brain is sending out for our survival and protection.

If you find yourself exhausted, it may be time to have a talk with inner you. What is swimming around in there, unanswered, unheard, unfelt. Using Deep Relief can be a great way to start releasing some of that deep pain and/or exhaustion.


  • Apply it to your neck and shoulders in the morning for an uplifting, refreshing aroma and to soothe tension and stress.

  • Apply it to the bottoms of feet and calves for a relaxing massage. This is especially wonderful after standing or walking all day!

  • Combine 1 cup of epsom salt and 5 drops of Deep Relief (just pop out the roller top and use a dropper to get some of the oil!) and pour into hot water for a relaxing and refreshing detox bath

  • Optional companion oils: Copaiba, Frankincense, Oregano, Aroma Siez

  • Use on the temples, back of the neck, and shoulders for head and neck tension.

  • Keep a bottle in your gym bag to use before and after a workout to soothe tired muscles.

  • Use alongside hydration and massage for when you experience intense tension in your temples and forehead.

  • Diffuse to refresh, renew and release deep set feelings of Exhaustion!


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Our diffusers are running 24/7 with blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the refreshing scent of Deep Relief!

  • Morning Sunshine: Deep Relief, Lemon, Tangerine

  • Relieve It: Deep Relief, Copaiba, Lavender

  • Frosted Forest: Deep Relief, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Wintergreen


200PV Loyalty Rewards Exclusive

Let go of the emotional worry and the stronghold of comparison. Just grapefruit’s aroma alone balances and uplifts the mind, so diffuse to uplift emotions. Refresh your systems by adding grapefruit vitality to your daily routine, whether it be a few drops to a glass of water or in a veggie capsule each day. Grapefruit is one of the best ways to start your morning! Grapefruit Vitality supports weight management, the lymphatic and circulatory systems, and is cleansing.* To help reach weight management goals enjoy this water infusion: 15 drops of orange, and 15 drops grapefruit added to a gallon of water help flush fat faster! Put a few drops Grapefruit and Northern Lights Black Spruce in the diffuser for a calming and mood lifting day! 

20 Fun Ways to use Grapefruit

  1. Diffuse with Stress Away or Northern Lights Black Spruce.

  2. Add grapefruit vitally to your water for extra pep in your step.

  3. Take a capsule with grapefruit, lemon and peppermint vitality oils to support your weight management goals.

  4. Make a peppermint, grapefruit body scrub.

  5. Add to epsom salts for a rejuvenating soak.

  6. Diffuse to uplift moods and keep sadness at bay.

  7. Massage 1-2 drops directly over the gallbladder to support it’s functions.

  8. Add to a coffee, lemongrass sugar scrub for enhanced skin appearance.

  9. Apply to your chest to support energy levels.

  10. Support your lymphatic system by adding a few drops to a massage oils and rubbing your body.

  11. Add grapefruit vitality to your smoothies, water, or Ningxia Red for a yummy flavor.

  12. Apply 1-2 drops with a carrier oil of the stomach and back of the neck to curb cravings.

  13. Add a drop or two to your diffuser jewelry.

  14. Apply 1 drop with a carrier oil to your temples when needing relief.

  15. Make a DIY chapstick.

  16. Support that time of the month by massaging a few drops over your abdomen.

  17. Use after a night out on the town to help support the detoxifying process.

  18. Take a capsule with 2 drops grapefruit, peppermint, lemon and digize to support comfortable digestion after spicy foods.

  19. Add 1 drop to your moisturizer to improve the appearance of oily skin.

  20. Diffuse with lemon and orange for the ultimate, citrus pick me up.


300 PV Gift with Purchase

We all need good bacteria. Probiotics can help with skin health, mood, immune function, and mental health. Why Life 9?   Most probiotics do have the proper constituency to make it all the way through the gut. The vast majority of probiotics on the market (regardless of the bacteria count) do not contain the strains nor the delayed release constituency to actually survive the journey INTO your gut where they can work their magic. That is how Life 9 is so superior! This power-packed probiotic provides 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains. 

  • Add Life 9 to your daily multivitamins for an extra boost of probiotics.

  • Pair Life 9 with OmegaGize, Master Formula, and NingXia Red to promote whole-body wellness.

  • Best taken at night before bed or in early evening formulated to adhere to the intestinal wall and proliferate 

  • Supports proper gut health (70% of your immune cells, are located in your gut! Proper gut health is VITAL for proper health) 

  • Helps to create proper digestive health (especially beneficial to those with an irritated bowel system)

  • Gut health + proper digestion + strong immune = great assistance in meeting your weight goals 

Loyalty Rewards Special


15% Discount on Loyalty Rewards Purchase

Does it get any easier than a spoonful of superfood goodness? Scoop up the benefits of 60+ fruits, vegetables, herbs, algae, and mushrooms with this incredible supplement! NingXia Greens supports a healthy immune system, a balanced diet, optimal digestion, and healthy energy levels. It's a key part of your daily routine!


  • Packs 2–3 servings of fruits and vegetables in every scoop

  • Delivers a powerful dose of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other important phytonutrients

  • Contains 60+ nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits, herbs, algae, and mushrooms

  • Supports a healthy immune system, digestive health, and energy levels

  • Features the MultiGreens essential oil blend, including Melissa oil - a health powerhouse

  • Contains no artificial colors, flavors, fillers, sweeteners, or added sugars

Formulated with superfood ingredients, greens, and premium essential oils, NingXia Greens takes the guesswork out of your nutrition needs. All you have to do is scoop, stir, and enjoy! Try it in smoothies, juice, protein shakes, or even water for a quick and easy way to pack your day with nutrients!


  • Mix 1 scoop in 4–6 ounces of water or beverage of your choice.

  • Stir 1 scoop into a protein shake made with Pure Protein Complete to support muscle recovery.

  • Mix with 2 ounces of NingXia Red and 1⁄2 cup of coconut water or orange juice for a fruity, nutritious start to your day.

  • Add 1 scoop to a fruit smoothie for an extra dose of fiber and plant-based omega-3s.

  • Take with a probiotic like Life 9 or enzyme complex like Essentialzymes-4 for additional daily wellness.