Three Simple Practices To Ground Yourself When Anxiety Kicks In
Do you ever have those days that you’re feeling totally out of balance? When your mind is jumping from thought to thought and you’re just not able to focus on one thing. Then self-judgement begins to set in and anxiety takes over from there. Well, if you’re a human being, then it’s unlikely that you HAVEN’T ever felt this way!
This could be an indicator that your Root Chakra is out of balance and needing some attention. The chakras are “energy centers” within the body. Just as our bodies are made of physical structures such as bones, muscles, and internal organs- we are also made up of energy. There are 7 chakras that are located from our tailbone to the crown of our head. And similar to a drain being clogged and then acquiring bacteria, mold, and other “gunk”- our energy centers become clogged as well.
The Root Chakra is associated with grounding and stability. When it is out of balance we may feel scattered, unsure, and lack trust. It is important to balance our root chakra because in order to grow to our full potential, we need a solid foundation. When the Root Chakra is balanced, we feel as grounded as a redwood tree, yet as free as a bird! The following are some simple practices to help find balance in moments our stability is being tested.
1. Stop in your Tracks- Take a Deep Breath & Come to Your Senses
This may seem ridiculously obvious and way too simple to be on this list! One that may cause you to think, “Well hello, I take thousands of breaths per day!” And that is a true statement. As humans, we average about 17-23,000 breaths per day! However, this process is often an unconscious one for most people. When was the last time you actually chose to INHALE and then EXHALE with awareness as to how breathing actually made you FEEL? It takes conscious effort to do this and can be a game changer in an overwhelming moment.
One of my favorite practices when I am feeling anxious is to simply close my eyes and place one hand over my belly and my other hand over my heart. I then take a deep, conscious breath IN, hold it for a moment once my lungs are at their full capacity, and then slowly breathe OUT and let the air escape my lungs. I find that by connecting my heart space- my place of love & compassion, with my core space - my place of taking action, that I am able to invite myself back into the moment and reconnect with my own POWER & PEACE.
As you breathe, this is when you can begin to “come to your senses.” That is, with every breath in, begin to notice what happens in your physical body. Notice the physical sensation of the air entering your nose, then move to the subtle sounds that you hear with your ears, or the consistent beat of your heart. It is an invitation to begin to pay attention on purpose, invite yourself into the present moment and out of the past or future, both of which do not exist. In that moment, it is an opportunity to let go of the fear and choose trust and love. This may take only a few breaths or extend to 2-3 minutes of conscious breathing.
2. Root Down PHYSICALLY in order to Root down MENTALLY
The practice of yoga is an extension of the breath practice that we reviewed above. Yoga is defined as “union” and more specifically, “union of the body, mind, and spirit”. It combines physical movements in the body (asana) with our life energy force or breath (prana) in order to create harmony and balance physically, mentally and spiritually. There are specific yoga postures that can help balance the root chakra and create a sense of security and trust when feeling overwhelmed. Here are a few of my favorites.
Childs Pose (Balasana):
Bring your knees to the ground and sit your hips on your heels. Open your knees wider than hips distance and allow your big toes to touch. Lay your chest down to the ground between your knees and extend your arms out in front of you. Bring your forehead and palms of your hands to the earth. Feel the ground supporting you in this posture, notice the security that you feel. Breathe in, breathe out.
Forward fold (Uttinasana):
Keep your feet hip distance apart or wider. Hinge forward at your hips and “fold” your body in half (like a piece of paper of paper folding in half). Bend your knees as much as you need, relax your head and neck so the crown of your head is reaching toward the ground. You may bend your arms and grab opposite elbows and find a gentle sway from side to side, or just hang heavy with arms relaxed to the earth. Relax your facial muscles and notice the sensation in your body as you gently breathe.
Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana):
Lay on your back, bring the soles of your feet to touch and allow your knees to open wide like a book. Bring one hand over your belly and the other hand over your heart. Gently close your eyes. Feel the ground support below your head, shoulder and hips. Feel your chest and belly rise and fall and air enters and escapes your body. *Modify by placing the soles of your feet to the earth and bend knees.
3. Add Essential Oils to the mix and allow the MAGIC to begin
The sense that corresponds with the Root Chakra is smell. What better way to connect with this amazing sense than to breathe in the goodness that essential oils offer?! Diffusing the oils Lavender and Cedarwood while engaging in the two practices above not only promote a sense of deep relaxation, but also create focus in times of disarray. Young Living’s exclusive blend Tranquil includes both Lavender and Cedarwood, along with Roman Chamomile. I find when I breathe in this blend during moments I feel stress, it helps me to connect with the simplicity of my breath and create a sense of calmness within. My other favorite oils to breathe in to create a sense of grounding are Frankincense, Vetiver, and Palo Santo.
These three practices have truly come to my rescue in moments I feel completely overwhelmed. I invite you to give one, or all of them a try the next time you experience a challenging moment. If you would like to connect and learn more about incorporating essential oils into your lifestyle for greater peace, I’d be honored to connect with you. I have found through my practices that bringing awareness and mindful practices to these moments is the foundation to feeling happy and fulfilled in my life!!