Holiday Offerings 2022
The KidScents Line
babies kids teens, essential oils, supplements, targeted supportJamie Moyatummygize, sniffleease, sleepyize, owie, geneyus, kidpower, toothpaste, shampoo, bath gel, lotion, mightyzyme, mightypro, mightyvites, unwind
Young Living for Athletes
targeted support, supplements, essential oilsJamie Moyaningxia, powergize, agilease, nitro, zyng, breathe again, raven, alkalime, aminowise, pure protein complete, cool Azul sports gel, cool Azul pain cream, deep relie, ortho sport massage oil, stress away, tranquil, slique bars
Back to School Wellness
babies kids teens, essential oils, targeted supportJamie Moyathieves household cleaner, thieves laundry soap, kidscents, thieves, super c, super d, ningxia, einkorn, protein power bites, mightyzyme, mightyvites, thieves hand sanitizer, thieves spray, aroma rings, clarity, geneyus, brain power, vetiver, peppermint, lemon, lavender, stress away, unwind, mightypro, life 9, rutavala, tranquil, sleepyize, Seedlings, seedlings calm, peace & calming, peace and calming, frankincense, immupro, inner defense, mineral essence, breathe agaiin, thieves chest rub, tummygize, sniffleease, digize, copaiba, valor, white angelica, believe, patchouli, nature's ultra, cbd, geranium, bergamot, Idaho grand fir, citrus fresh, orange, envision, roman chamomile, cedarwood
College Students and Essential Oils
essential oils, targeted supportJamie Moyalavender, stress away, peace & Calming, peace and calming, peppermint, lemon, citrus fresh, geneyus, valor, Cool Azul pain relief, cool Azul sports gel, panaway, deep relief, cool azul, breathe again, rc, raven, digize, Ningxia, en-r-gee, nitro, thieves, inner defense, thieves household cleaner, thieves hand sanitizer, thieves spray, thieves wipes
Self Care with the PSK
essential oils, starter kitsJamie Moyalavender, stress away, frankincense, peace & calming, peace and calming, cedarwood, lemon, citrus fresh, digize, thieves, ningxia, copaiba, einkorn, life 9, multigreens, super b, super c, omegagize, peppermint, panaway, raven, Cool Azul pain relief, deep relief, breathe agaiin, protein complete, valor, joy, christmas spirit, northern lights black spruce, mindwise, clarity
Teachers & Essential Oils
targeted support, essential oilsJamie Moyavetiver, cedarwood, lavender, peppermint, lemon, spearmint, grapefruit, peace & calming, peace and calming, marjoram, tranquil, ningxia, thieves, copaiba, clove, digize, frankincense, oregano, thieves household cleaner, thieves hand sanitizer, thieves spray, nitro, joy, orange, stress away, clary sage, black pepper, lime, motivation
Pets & Essential Oils
animals, essential oils, targeted supportJamie Moyalavender, cedarwood, geranium, frankincense, citronella, citrus fresh, infectaway, mendwell, paragize, PuriClean, animal scents, RepelAroma, t-away, taway, ningxia, sulfurzyme, omegagize, agilease, Dentarome ultra, toothpaste
DIY Skin Care
diy, essential oils, targeted support, women, beauty & makeupJamie Moyacleanser, frankincense, lavender, tea tree, cypress, geranium, spearmint, sandalwood, brain power, lemon, blue tansy, toner, mask
Oils and Crystals
essential oils, targeted supportJamie Moyaamethyst, frankincense, clove, cypress, citrine, orange, ginger, patchouli, rose quartz, ylang ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, bergamot, tiger's eye, fennel, blue lace agate, northern lights black spruce, vetiver, basil, spearmint
Oils for Special Needs
babies kids teens, essential oils, targeted supportJamie Moyavetiver, lavender, cedarwood, frankincense, peppermint, bergamot, rosemary, valor, peace and calming, peace & calming, gentle baby, tea tree, rose ointment, brain power, mindwise, mightyzyme, geneyus, clarity, surrender, acceptance, grounding, common sense, ylang ylang, northern lights black spruce, white angelica, thievees, thieves, oregano, longevity, lemon, exodus II, Immupower, ningxia, immupro, sleepessence, lemongrass, panaway, Cool Azul pain relief, blm, stress away, forgiveness, deep relief, Idaho blue spruce
Cooking with Oils
Cooking, essential oilsJamie Moyavitality, lemon, lime, tangerine, black pepper, orange, thieves, peppermint, cinnamon, nutmeg, oregano, basil, dill, cilantro, coriander, ginger, clove
Gardening + Essential Oils
targeted support, essential oilsJamie Moyagarden, thieves, lemon, rosemary, citronella, black pepper, cinnamon, tea tree, peppermint, lavender, orange, fruit and veggie wash, dish soap, basil, clove, eucalyptus, oregano, deep relief, panaway, purification
Essential Oils on a Budget
Raindrop Technique
targeted support, collections, essential oilsJamie Moyaraindrop, white angelica, valor, oregano, thyme, basil, cypress, wintergreen, marjoram, aroma siez, peppermint
Select 30 Collection
collections, essential oilsJamie MoyaImmuPower, Melrose, tea tree, thieves, frankincense, digize, copaiba, rc, deep relief, panaway, purification, peppermint, Lavender, cinnamon, clove, oregano, lemongrass, stress away, abundance, endoflex, vitality, cedarwood, eucalyptus, aromaease, northern lights black spruce, nlbs, sacred mountain
DIY Perfumes & Colognes
diy, essential oils, women, menJamie Moyafragrance, blending, top note, middle note, base note, cedarwood, vetiver, patchouli, black pepper, lemon, citrus fresh, peace & calming, peace and calming, bergamot, myrrh, joy, Idaho blue spruce, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, sandalwood, cypress, fennel
30 Days of Oil Hacks
diy, essential oilsJamie Moyainsect repellent, lashes, sunscreen, nail polish remover, cookware cleaner, oven cleaner, chop onions, air freshener, stain remover, dry shampoo, laundry soap, stain stick, jewelry cleaner, grout cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, baby wipes, tea, eyeliner, Christmas lights, fire starter, primer, moisturizer, Ningxia bottles, mouthwash, soap, bronze shimmer, lip roller, fabric softener, bikini line
Oils of Ancient Scripture
collections, essential oilsJamie Moyamyrrh, myrtle, rose of sharon, cistus, hyssop, cypress, cedarwood, cassia, onycha, frankincense, aloes, sandalwood, anointing Oil
Say Hello To Young Living (Essential Oils 101)
starter kits, living toxin free, essential oilsTiffany D. Davidsonaromatic, topical, internal, vitality, frequency, body systems, seed to seal, peppermint, lavender, lemon, digize, citrus fresh, panaway, frankincense, raven, stress away, thieves, peace & calming, peace and calming, valor, ningxia, abundance, income potential, safety