Identifying Brand Partners


We’ve ALL been here at one point or another, and each of us will return to this point more than once on our journey.  Today, we are giving you some tips to help you keep moving forward and avoid stressing out about having brand partners.  

First, don’t worry.  Brand Partners will come.  

​Some will knock on your door and say, “I want in!” before they even purchase their first products, others will take some time to decide it’s for them.  No matter what, as you continue to grow your organization, you will find brand partners. Here’s how to help all of them:

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Eager out of the Gate:  ​

  1. ​Plug them in to the Enlightened Oilers Essential Oil Community.

  2. Welcome them to the Community.

  3. Share with them the Business Foundations class and "Dream. Grow. Inspire."class. Be sure to  get them added in to the Enlightened Oilers Brand Partner Community.

  4. Walk alongside them.  Ask them to tag you in (or tell you about) any posts they may do about their oils so that you can cheer them on and help to answer questions as they learn.

  5. Point them in the direction of your favorite reference materials so they too can learn. 

  6. Cheer them on in person, on FaceTime, in Marco Polo, Facebook, text message, phone calls, etc.  Be there to support them as they begin and help keep the fire going.

  7. Keep them excited about their oils!  This keeps their excitement (and yours) growing and going strong.

  8. Get them involved.  When leading a class, invite them to bring their members or friends and family who aren’t members yet.  Or, lead a class for them, teach duplication.


 Members You Personally Enroll:

  1. These are people who are already in your organization and should already be plugged into the Enlightened Oilers Essential Oil Community.  If not, please invite them!

  2. Keep an eye out for people who enroll in Loyalty Rewards.

  3. Don’t ever assume that someone DOESN’T want to build the business.  Melissa Peopping, a Royal Crown Diamond, was a member for 10 years before she began building her business!

  4. Look for members who are active in the Enlightened Oilers Community.  They have an excitement for their oils. If not just to learn, they could turn that education into sharing one day!

  5. Keep education going: teach a beyond the starter kit class, a toxin free home one, a DIY, or one on anything that excites you.

  6. Keep in contact with all of your personal enrollments.

  7. When you see someone enroll in LR, share with them that there is a way to get their oils paid for.

  8. When someone places more than one order, share with them the benefits of LR and that there is also a way to get their oils paid for.

  9. Ask to lead a class for them; let them see the income potential as people enroll.  Share with them that when they spend 50PV they’ll get paid the fast start on all of their new customers.  That draws in attention pretty quickly.

What can be done for everyone?

Host a class/seminar/purposeful gathering (use what resonates best with you).  It is not a party. That isn't to say classes aren't fun. But there's a huge difference in perception between the two when you use “class” versus “party.”   Today’s parties have become sales meetings masquerading as parties. Quite frankly, with all the MLM companies using the party plan method, many people want nothing to do with this kind of "party." Whether attendees of a class decide to enroll with a starter kit or purchase anything at all, they are leaving with new-found knowledge.  There is something in this for them whether they spend money or not. This is why we host classes/seminars/purposeful gatherings. Not sure what kind of class to host?  

Here are some ideas:

  • Beyond the Starter Kit

  • Business 101

  • Kids, Babies and Oils

  • Make and Take

  • Toxin Free Home

  • ​Cooking (adding in vitality essential oils, of course)

  • Between the Sheets

  • Animals and Oils

  • Back to School

  • Hormone Support (Oils, Supplements, & Body Care)

  • Body Systems (Oils & Supplements)

  • Make-up .... HELLO Savvy Minerals!

  • Anything else that speaks to your heart, or to your members' hearts.  Wanna teach about avoiding the flu...just don’t call it an Essential Oils class and include lots of wellness strategies beyond just essential oils.  Get Creative!

How can you BEST support them?

Keep them engaged and falling further in love with their oils and other Young Living products, like supplements!  The more you get them plugged in to the benefits of their oils, and continuing to fall in love, the easier it is for them to share.  Trying to share about something that we are ho-hum about isn’t going to last very long. People fizzle out of the business because they lose their passion and may feel that it’s too much work.  With the Enlightened Oilers Community in place, Business Foundations, and the Dream. Grow. Inspire. mentorship, it’s right at their fingertips. Is this business easy? Not all of the time. Is this business worth it?  YES! And, YOU are worth it.

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Secondly, Have Patience!

Take Melissa Peopping for instance, the RCD we mentioned above.  Could you imagine if her upline would have just let her hang out in the wind because she wasn’t “doing the business?”  She finally decided to give the business a shot when she was left with barely any money in their bank account because of a miscalculation on her part.  in desperation, she called her upline and said, “Ok, I’m ready.” TEN YEARS LATER. This goes back to not assuming that someone will never do the business. Does this mean to bother them monthly about it?  No! Not at all, it means to love your members exactly where they are, even if it’s just loving their product, because you know what? When you love them for who they are regardless of the pace that they are at in their life, they will feel safe and excited to come to you when THEY are ready. Because you had grace with them, they will have grace with their members too.

Are you feeling like it may be overwhelming to do all the things mentioned above? Take a deep breath, our Enlightened Oilers team is here to support you.  "Dream. Grow. Inspire." is here to support you. Your upline is here to support you. I am here to support you. A whole community of oilers is here for you!

Return to letting go of HOW it will happen and have faith that it will happen WHEN it’s supposed to.  Have patience with yourself in the process, know that YOU are on your own path, too! 

Don’t give up.  Everything worth fighting for (or building for) is just on the other side of fear. Patience will always bring good things in to your life, unless it’s an emergency, in that case, get on it! Otherwise, let it flow, take one step forward in your business every day and it will pay off!

I’d like to leave you with this video of Melissa Poepping telling you her journey and the day she almost quit…

Reflect and Process What You Learned:

  1. What is one thing you are proud of yourself for doing well?

  2.  How are you going to identify builders in your organization starting today?

  3. Who do you know who will be blessed by the income opportunity YL has to offer?