Your Personally Enrolled


Supporting Your Personally Enrolled

We are so excited that you have chosen to share Young Living with others, to impact lives, and make a positive difference. When you first begin sharing, it can feel a little overwhelming as you may find yourself asking, "What the heck am I supposed to do now?"  So, today is all about giving you some direction!

First, let's address why you want to support those you personally enroll.  Here are just a few reasons:

  1.  This person trusted you to guide them.  Whether you personally have the answers, you connect them to someone who does, or direct them to a resource where they can find the answers they seek does not matter.  What matters is that you help and support them the best you can.

  2. You know how incredible our oils are, but the new person who enrolled may not yet have experienced the magic.  Think back to when you first enrolled. You were probably super excited and then when you opened the box and took everything out a little bit of apprehension swept over you as you felt like you had no idea where to start.  You need to be there to support them so they don't get overwhelmed and stick the box up on a shelf and forget about it. It's up to you to help point them in the right direction and help break it down. If you are still new and don't feel confident enough to be their "go-to" person, that's okay.  This is why we have The Enlightened Oilers Facebook community, to support and empower one another. Be sure to get them plugged in for added support. We are all learning together.

  3. By taking care of a new member you have enrolled, you are teaching them by example what to do when they begin sharing and enrolling new members.

Now let's address what to actually do when you enroll a new member.  Here's a checklist to help you out:

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  1. Add your new member to The Enlightened Oilers Community to ensure they have a community of support to assist them in getting to know and USE their oils.  We want everyone to feel supported and confident in asking for help.

  2. Welcome them in the group and then tag them with a personal message in the posts that you feel will relate to them.

  3. Ensure they know their member number, know how to sign into their account, and how to find their enrollment link (Share YL).

  4. Explain all the benefits of Loyalty Rewards.   It is important to make sure they are aware of LR from the beginning because I often hear members say their biggest regret is that they didn’t get on Loyalty Rewards from the beginning. There is no need to push them to enroll in LR, just be sure they know about it and let them decide for themselves.

  5. Get to know your new member so you can best help them with their needs.  This will help you decide who the best person on your team is to partner them when you restructure them within their first 30 days of enrollment.  Introduce them to their new sponsor reminding them that you are always here for them, but we give everyone a second supportive partner to help them to ensure they're well covered.

  6. Point them to oil education resources, especially a reference guide.

  7. Anyone who has any interest in the earning opportunity provided by Young Living should be encouraged to go through our Business Foundations class and Dream.  Grow. Inspire class to give them the foundations of sharing.

  8. Be sure to offer assistance and encouragement for your new customers and brand partners.  When we first begin using our oils we often need reminders to turn to them for support... new habits take a little bit of time to stick.

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Going Above and Beyond

Going above and beyond the expectations listed above for supporting your new members is a system we call Care Club.  This is a way to get your members off to an incredible start to using and falling in love with their oils. This is completely optional and looks different for everyone depending upon their budget, their business goals, and their personal preference.  Care Club typically includes a welcome package and a few months of samples for your new personally enrolled members. We automatically add our personally enrolled members to our Care Club because they trusted us to take care of them. Also, it would be very overwhelming as your business grows to do this with every single member who becomes part of your downline.  A good rule is to take care of every personally enrolled member so you know the people who trusted you don't fall through the cracks. We also will add people in our downline who, for whatever reason, end up without a personal connection to their enroller.

To save money, it helps to purchase supplies (sample containers, rollers, bubble envelopes, etc.) in bulk off sites like Amazon.  You can save these and stretch them out over long periods of time, or you can split the supplies and cost with another member participating in Care Club. When choosing containers like roller bottles, spray bottles, etc. make sure to choose dark colored (not painted) glass containers and metal or glass roller balls.  It is also helpful (for your memory) to create your packages with a theme in mind: body system, seasonal, holiday, etc. After doing Care Club for our members for quite some time, we have found that our members really appreciate samples of products they want to try but are apprehensive to spend so much on without knowing if they'll like it (toothpaste, lotions, etc.), as well as samples of oils and/or products that may support their wellness goals.  This video in our Enlightened Oilers Mentorship group shows you how I have personally done my Care Club program. I do change things up and it may not always be the same, but this will give you a good idea of what can be done.

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Here are just a few examples what you can include in Care Club packages... the possibilities are truly endless:

  • 3mL, 5mL, or 10mL Rollers (dark colored glass with metal or glass rollers)

  • 1-2 ounce dark colored glass spray bottles

  • 3-5 vegetable capsules (to take vitality oils)

  • 1 ounce dropper bottle filled with a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil

  • nasal inhaler

  • bottle cap labels

  • welcome book

  • recipe book

  • starter guide

  • favorite diffuser or roller recipes (using the starter kit oils)

  • Young Living Lip Balm

  • Ningxia Nitro

  • 1mL sample of your favorite essential oil or blend

  • Thieves Cleaner sample

  • Thieves Toothpaste & Thieves Mouthwash sample

  • Thieves Lozenge & Thieves Cough Drop

  • Thieves Foaming Hand Soap & Lavender Lotion sample

Member Care Record

If you prefer to use checklists, here is a Member Care Record you can print out and use for each of your new members.

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Reflect and Process What You Learned:

  • Did you print out the checklist for enrolling a member?  

  • Getting them connected to the community truly is key to building their confidence in using their oils and making it a lifestyle choice.

  •  Why do we need to focus on our personally enrolled? What happens if we don’t?

  • How does the idea of Care Club resonate with you? 

  •  Which ideas do you feel you can implement? 

  • How can you make this your own?  What ideas can you add to this?

  •  ​Who will you reach out to?  Just those you have already enrolled? 

  • Those who have shown interest but haven’t yet made the leap?